

'Bo­th in­for­ma­tion and soft­wa­re are in­vi­si­ble goods. The web­si­te of Sys­teman­ti­cs has to ma­ke bo­th vi­si­ble in so­me way. Mo­reo­ver, it has to show the com­ple­xi­ty be­hind the sce­nes. The best way to ex­plain the do­main of in­for­ma­tion and soft­wa­re is text. The web­si­te thus pre­fers text over ima­ges. To crea­te a vi­sual link to the pro­jects in which Sys­teman­ti­cs par­ti­ci­pa­ted, the vi­sual im­pres­sion from each pro­ject is en­co­ded in a pie chart. The chart shows the most re­cent 25 co­lors of a screens­hot in their re­la­ti­on­ship to each other'. (August 2007)

Concept & design: Catalogtree / Web development: Systemantics

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