
WikiLeaks resources

The Guardian: WikiLeaks Embassy cables with graphic data + Map & Database
Spiegel online: WikiLeaks diplomatic cables
Infosthetics: WikiLeaks cable gate visualisations & infographics

newspaper design & News

NewseumToday's frontpages and many more great articles on newspapers
Poynter Institute – '…a school that exists to ensure that Americans have access to excellent journalism—the kind of journalism that enables us to participate fully and effectively in our democracy.'
Ascender Corporation by Monotype maging – Study of Newspaper fonts and other useful info
Ron Reason – News design & type
Times Skimmer
Visual Journalism

dot-font articles

dozens of articles on typography from John D.Berry, typographer and editor of dot-font magazine, as well as other creative readings on creativepro

the noun project

the noun project – amazing & free infographic/icons resource