nice flickr page with unhealthily sweet stuff
+ author's blog
+ another flickr page with LOADS of good-looking food
Deadline for entries: 17 May 2010 by 5pm
Whoever you are and wherever you look a revolution is taking place. Cycling is quickly becoming a part of the fabric of everyday life in London. During Summer 2010, Transport for London will will join the revolution with the launch of its Cycle Superhighways and Cycle Hire Schemes as well as a host of other initiatives to improve cycle safety and security. In conjunction with these programmes, London Transport Museum and the Association of Illustrators are delighted to announce a call for illustrations featuring cycling as an emerging mode of transport in London.
Students and professionals are invited to submit entries that demonstrate the environmental, health and/or recreational benefits of cycling. It is the task of entrants to create an illustration that shows cycling as a fun and efficient way to get around the city.
The top three entries will receive a monetary award and may be used in an advertising campaign for cycling. The top 50 entries will be displayed in an exhibition at the London Transport Museum that will open in summer 2010 in conjunction with the launch of TfL’s cycling programmes.
Competition Prizes
Cash prizes will be awarded in three levels.
First prize: £2000
Second prize: £1000
Third prize: £750
How to submit your entry
The competion is free to enter and you can enter as many images as you wish.
1. Prepare your image
Your image should measure 1200 pixels on the longest edge, be in RGB mode and saved as either a jpg or gif. Name your file(s) sequentially and with your surname and initial separated by an underscore i.e.smith_f_01.jpg
Where possible use Photoshop's 'save for web' feature. Your resultant filesize should come in at under 1mb.
2. Accept Conditions of Entry
Read the Conditions of Entry below. If you want to proceed, click the Agree/Enter button.
3. Submit your entry
Upload your image and accompanying text information.