paginator 3000
1 minute photoshop - unemployment
miniature earth
now appreciate what you have, will you
also: projects by Toby Ng 'The world of 100'

The Seed
The Seed from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
(+online portfolio of animator johnny kelly and his flickr)
his PROCRASTINATION is also in portfolio
Making of 'The Seed' from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
morph flashmob near TATE
ANTREPO studio

a few smart objects by ANTREPO multidisciplinary design collective
aslo - posters, fonts & more in their shop
L2M3 Kommunikationsdesign

"L2M3 Kommunikationsdesign is a graphic design studio with high standards of form and content. Founded by Sascha Lobe in 1999, the agency handles signage systems and graphic design for exhibitions in addition to traditional tasks such as developing corporate images and designing printed matter. So far, the studio has received more than 70 international awards in all areas of visual communication."
lulu printing
colour lovers

The API: Color Scheme Designer for your web
"The Color Scheme Designer 3 online application can be easily used as a color palette picker tool by any other web site. If you like it and you want to make it a part of the workflow on your own web site, you can do it in an easy way".
amy bennett

diorama-like paintings by amy bennett (this one - from 'Neighbours' series)
(1st she makes miniature 3D models, then paints them)
Cartogrammar: Andy Woodruff the cartographer's blog & portfolio
IndieMapper: Indie projector
amy casey's flying houses
Food and Agriculture Atlas (maps)
Global Food consumption patterns & trends
World Health Organization Reports
World Food expenditures
EU food consumption database
International food policy research institute: Bioenergy
Global rural-urban mapping project
Biofuels, food prices, and the poor
World food situation: food prices
FT Global Food crisis interactive
ABC: Agricultural Biotechnology Council
Friends of Earth, 50+ TOP recycling tips
Missing links: The global food fight
It's nice that: Graduate feature 2009
"Graduates 2009 is the first installment of our annual feature pinpointing the most exciting creative graduates from all over the world. Launching on 1 June 2009 we will be searching for and posting one graduate portfolio every day for the entire month, coinciding with the busy final show calendar taking place throughout June. In the post we’ll look at the chosen grauduates portfolio a little more fully as well as asking them a few questions about what they do. At the end of the month we’ll be left with 20 outstandingly talented individuals ready to launch their careers. Here you’ll also be able to see a directory of all the degree shows taking place to make sure you don’t miss out on any.
If you’re a student graduating in 2009 and would like to submit your work to be considered then please e-mail over the following to graduates@itsnicethat.com. Please note we can only accept submissions from students graduating this academic year.
— A short biography, no longer than 150 words
— 5 images of your work, 1000px wide at 72dpi with accompanying captions
— The full name of the university and course that you’re graduating from
BP How does solar energy work?
BP energy charting tool
UN world energy assessment overview
Ecology today: Energy
EcoWorld: energy consumption
Solar energy International: Facts
Earth Trends
Time for change: energy predictions
Energy information administration: projections
UN Millenium Goals
Guardian Environmental Network
Conservation Magazine
World Resources Institute
The Ecologist
UK Energy research centre
Vital Energi - biomass fuels
REA - Renewable Energy Association
Love food Hate waste
Light pollution
Let's reduce LP in 2009 (Now Public post)
Socyberty Issues: LP
Saving the Night sky (divine caroline: life in your words article)
Environmental protection UK: LP
The night sky n the World (lightpollution.it)
Wasted light UK
Need-less LP
Bortle Dark sky scale
Nighttime lights of the world
Night sky maps
Night sky info
EarthView (from 36 km above, live view)
ko.yaa.nis.katsi (from the Hopi language), n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life disintegrating. 4. life out of balance. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.
"If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."
"Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."
"A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky which could burn the land and boil the oceans."
po.waq.qatsi (from the Hopi language), n. 1. sorcerer life, an entity, a way of life that consumes the life forces of other beings in order to further its own life.
Na-qoy-qatsi: (nah koy' kahtsee) N. From the Hopi Language.
range of ISSUES for NEWS project
• World news (oneWorld)
• biodiversity & who cares? (environmental)
• climate change & global warming, climate change (oneWorld)
• Asian earthquake & tsunami disaster
• Second Genesis: life, but not as we know it, Second Genesis: the search for shadow life (+ slideshow), Second Genesis: making new life, Extreme life forms, Genetics, Evolution, How to hunt for shadow life
• Light pollution: Q&A, environmental protection source, lightpollution.org.uk: wasted light, light pollution atlas, night sky, Wiki, need-less light pollution, light nuisance, BBC page,
Skyglow/light pollution in UK, UK LP maps, Naked eye dark sky visibility, Night sky info, Light cost calculator
• Recycling, Environment agency, light & health, environment: pollution
• Live Earth map
• poverty: facts & stats, children's deaths
- Where and why?, Poverty around the world,
• Health issues, Diseases: ignored global killers, WHO statistical information system, Global health overview, UNICEF: unite for children
• global financial crisis
• global foreign aid shortfall
• corruption
• economic democracy, + The Institute for Economic democracy
• Iraq war
flickr set of cards - inspiration
gumtree directory
quolor Ltd., London, online printing
Print Continental, London, free delivery, large format
T-shirt printing
printing on Recycled paper (but quite expensive – £270 for 100 A3, £295 for 1000)
Printset – student prices, can arrange same day service at no extra cost (Islington)
Cheap printing (10,000 A5 flyers double-sided col. 130gsm, delivered – £160)
Large format posters
Large format free delivery (A2 £10, A1 £15)
Herts printing
Prontaprint St.Albans
Armenian genocide
+ Wiki
+ Armenian genocide interactive: theforgotten.org
+ armeniapedia resource
+ teach genocide
+ armenica
+ Never again campaign against genocide
campaign for education
What's The Big Read?
"774 million adults can not read this, and 75 million children who are not in school will be denied the chance to learn to read and write.
After reading a story in the Big Read we are asking you to write your name for the millions that cannot.
We are collecting the names to deliver to governments during the week of the 20th to 26th of April 2009 to demand that they take action to make sure that everyone has an education."
Picture Past

Alternative energy designs creative environmental Ads
Image archives for energy & fuel
Biomass & thermal power designs
archives for news & politics
Alternative & fossil fuels
Carbon credits
Earth system research laboratory
WWF: Witness Stories of climate change & climate action
Meltdown: a global warming travelogue (photographs)
The C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group
100 most essential green web resources
10 of the world's dirtiest powerplants
15 cutting-edge biofuel sources
12 films with dystopian depictions of Earth's future
7 alternative fuels & fuel-powered vehicles 5 alternative ways to power your home
15 mind-boggling green facts & enviro-stats
25 essential green tools, apps & resources
25 greatest green blogs
16 painless green habits
15 tips, tricks & hacks for a greener home
16 hydroelectric, wave & tidal power designs
25 solutions to 7 most common green living challenges
10 of today's most important environmental issues
Beginner's guide to going GREEN
Going green :Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Going GREEN: smart consumption
Going green: sustainable transport
Biofuel (Wiki)
Renewable energy sources (About.com)
We count calories, why not Carbon?
World recycled materials perspectives
10 famous paintings in vegetables:

10 child prodigees
also from other sources:
10 world's dirtiest powerplants
English Яussia: russian army colour test.
swine flu
full list of SF cases country by country
also: Influenza Pandemic. World's history, 1918
About 80 whales and dolphins were stranded on a remote southwest Australian beach. Authorities plan to truck the few survivors to a protected bay before attempting to launch them back to sea.
Last November, 150 long-finned pilot whales died after beaching on a rocky coastline one week after a pod of 60 also came ashore on the island state. Only 11 were rescued
the who and whom of liberty taking
"We are the men and women reading books, searching
In the pages of history for the lost world, the key
To the mystery of living peace, imperishable joy;
We are the factory hands the field hands mill hands everywhere
Moulding creating building structures, forging ahead....
We are the living dream of dead men everywhere,
The unquenchable truth that class-memories create
To stagger the infamous world with prophecies
Of unlimited happiness - a deathless humanity;
We are the living and the dead men everywhere....
If you want to know what we are -
(Carlos Bulosan, 1940)
also: article 'Wishful thinkers of the Calamity Bazaar'
European court of Human Rights 50 anniversary year
week of Russian language
Dark sky awareness week
Parkinson's disease awareness week (+ Parkinson's disease society)
Global action week (+ UN page)
Depression awareness week - Medical news today (+ Swine flu news)
week's Royal b-days
AMW media interactions week (Arab media watch source)
DRAG TO DROP beta - images & news of the week
WEEK in history
Wildfire prevention week
Money smart week
TURN-OFF screen week
The world photos of the week: Child's eyes 2009 (view on crunch)
Alaska week (Discovery channel)
EU press release: week in brief
UK week events
Malaria awareness week coalition
April events in Africa
KidsLife: April events
24-26 april: Global youth service day
spiritus temporis
Russkiy Mir foundation in GB
how about looking for a job via them?
also: grants & competitions
fleet dazzle camouflage designs
article on Isotype
Gert Antz's archive page
Uni. of Reading Isotype research project (+ others on typography)
Research articles by Marija Dalbello (great resource)